Connecting small businessesto resources and assistance
Are you a small business located in California, Georgia,
Illinois, New Jersey or Texas?
If so, the Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP) is a resource available to you.
The CNPP connects underserved Pan Asian American businesses with critical business services and assistance programs. USPAACC is the “Hub” providing support through a network of 14 organizations, known as “Spokes” that deploy community advocates to work with small businesses located in California, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, and Texas.
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Serving the Underserved Get the help your business needs
CNPP offers various programs and assistance to help your business bounce back from the instability caused by the pandemic.
Financial assistance
- Language barriers for some Asian American Pacific Islander businesses prevent them from getting the financial help they need. Our approach and methodology is to provide subject matter experts who speak their language and provide document translation. The goal is to get underserved AAPI underserved businesses the credit counseling, financial literacy training and best funding solutions to fit their needs.
Contracting & Procurement
- Legalese/contractual jargon is a hurdle and can be even more daunting for small businesses who have a language barrier. We will ensure that there are in-language resources to help understand complicated documents, compliance expectations and finding opportunities to grow.
Marketing, Operations, Business Development
- Our multilingual ambassadors support communities where English is a second language. Many immigrant small business owners are too busy in the front office or store and prefer to tend to customers than answer calls or attend meetings, focused on the immediacy of “running the business” and lack business development skills. Our goal is to help them build the business development, marketing and operational skills that they need to be successful.
Industry-Specific Training
- Embracing and trusting technology to enhance business growth comes with its own challenges for underserved small businesses. Providing counseling and training in the preferred language of the business, we can help them to use technology and other methods to deliver their business value propositions clearly and efficiently to new customers and potential partners.
Our Spokes Trusted community advocates
“Spokes” are qualified organizations that work with underserved, small businesses during economic recovery. Each Spoke provides a range of services focused to aid businesses in stabilization and expansion.
News & Events
CNPP Sizzle reel — Community Navigator Pilot Program — What You Need To Know
Highlights of CNPP LiveTalk with Ms. Susan Au Allen, National President & CEO of USPAACC and Mark Madrid, Associate Administrator of the Office of Entrepreneurial Development
BeChinatown — AA Bakery Success Story
BeChinatown helped AA Bakery to become successful in their business.
USPAACC Hub and Spokes Collaborative meeting
USPAACC Hub and Spokes Collaborative meeting