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Success Story

Success Story with Tuan Huynh, Owner of Vietfive Coffee in Chicago

Tuan Huynh came to the US at three years old with his family as one of the boat people from Vietnam. He had a successful career as a Creative Director at one of the top advertising agencies in Chicago. But a trip back to his hometown for the first time in 2019 forever changed his career and his life...

Success Story

Success Story with Bohao Zhou, Owner of China Palace

Mr. Bo Hao Chu first came to the US in 2000. He opened China Palace in 2017, a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, Chicago. He was able to pay his rent and payroll with a loan that USPAACC helped him to secure.

Success Story

Success Story with Danny Wong, Owner of a Hair Salon in Chicago

Mr. Danny Wong is an immigrant from Macau and has always worked as a hair stylist. He has been living in the US since 1991. He said he didn’t think his salon would have survived without the loan USPAACC helped him secure.


2023 Source Grant Awardee Celebration Press Event

The 2023 Source Grant Awardee Celebration Press Event at The Hatchery Chicago on February 6, 2024, showed the support from Cook County Commissioners for entrepreneurship and small business development.

Success Story

USPAACC's Impact through Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP)

The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Community Navigators Pilot Program (CNPP) is the largest-ever dedicated federal investment in navigator services for small businesses.

In-Person Event

How to Turn Your Clients Into Brand Ambassadors

ABAOC CNPP Team continued its breakfast training series, centering on the "business owner’s journey," with this month's focus on equipping clients to become ambassadors for their businesses.

Hybrid Event

Business Express Session 4

ABAOC CNPP Team hosted another Business Express session in Irvine, CA emphasizing continual learning for business owners.

Hybrid Event

Business Express Session 3

ABAOC's BE session in Irvine, CA, featured a special appearance by the USPAACC team, drawing a diverse in-person and virtual audience.


Resilient Success: USPAACC and U.S. SBA Collaborate to Propel Thai Restaurant Through Pandemic Challenges

Learn how the Thai Restaurant overcame pandemic challenges with the support of USPAACC and the U.S. Small Business Administration's Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP).


Resilience in Adversity: USPAACC's Crucial Role in Nurturing Fanny Crystal Jewelry Through the Pandemic

Surviving the Storm: Fanny Crystal Jewelry's Resilience with USPAACC's Support During the Pandemic - An Exclusive Interview with Co-Owner Tony Tong!


Strategies for Building Brand Loyalty and Recognition

Get valuable insights and practical strategies for cultivating brand loyalty and recognition crucial for long-term business success with the USPAACC Midwest Chapter.

In-Person Event

How to Double You and Your Team’s Productivity

The ABAOC CNPP team arranged another breakfast training session aimed at boosting productivity.


Georgia SBA Entrepreneurs Professional Development and Resources

Learn with the USPAACC Southeast Chapter about new resources available for entrepreneurs in Southwest Georgia from a certified Economic Development Finance Professional!


Use the weather to increase sales (利用天气来增加销售额)

Learn the impact of weather on sales and how business owners can address these challenges and turn weather to their advantage with the USPAACC Midwest Chapter!


Capital Access and Diversity Incentives

The Universal Processing and US Bank collaboratively organized a webinar with the aim of promoting diverse certifications that can facilitate SBA-friendly financing.


CNPP Unveiling

Universal Processing and the Chinese Business Association of Long Island jointly hosted a webinar to educate participants about the CNPP.


AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund

USPAACC Western Chapter hosted a noteworthy webinar in the spirit of community support and empowerment, centered around the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund.


How to Do Business with California State Government

The USPAACC Western Chapter offered a valuable opportunity for individuals to explore and gain knowledge about the contract opportunities available with the state of California.


Small Business Loans & Business Financing

USPAACC Western hosted an informational Webinar about Small business loans and business financing.

In-Person Event

Doing Business in Irvine

ABAOC CNPP Team hosted an event in Irvine, California, with the objective of providing local business owners with essential tools and valuable connections to key individuals in the Irvine community.


FACCOC Entrepreneur Bootcamp #4

ABAOC CNPP team in collaboration with the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce (FACCOC) organized the fourth and final session of the FACCOC Entrepreneur Bootcamp webinar series.

In-Person Event

FACCOC Power Networking Lunch

ABAOC CNPP team exhibited CNPP presence at FACCOC during power networking lunch event.


SCE Star Workshop: Branding & Designing for Competitive Edge

ABAOC CNPP team hosted a workshop session as part of their series for SCE Star Workshop, focusing on "Branding & Designing for Competitive Edge."

In-Person Event

Entrepreneurs’ Support

USPAACC Midwest Chapter and CNPP Team Universal Processing organized this session to provide SBA information accessible in Mandarin Chinese for future entrepreneurs.

In-Person Event

SBA's Federal Certification Programs

Join ABAOC for the August 2023 CNPP Breakfast Training series with this month's topic being "SBA's Federal Certification Programs"!


Shifting Energy: at Work and in Life

Whether you're at work or in your personal life, Explore the power of energy in our everyday lives with the USPAACC Midwest Chapter!

In-Person Event

The 2023 Source Grant Applicant Support Session (Chinese)

USPAACC Midwest Chapter organized Support Sessions for The 2023 Source Grant Applications.

In-Person Event

TIE SOCAL Start Grow Scale 2.0

ABAOC CNPP Team represent CNPP at Start Grow Scale 2.0 event.

In-Person Event

FACCOC Power Networking Lunch

ABAOC CNPP team exhibited CNPP at the FACCOC July Power Networking Lunch.


SCE STAR Workshop: Branding & Designing for Competitive Edge

Unleash your creativity and strategic thinking to amplify your business's impact in today's dynamic market landscape.

In-Person Event

Business Advice for the Entertainment Industry

Our Spoke William Stephanie Foundation conducted a training workshop to share valuable insights into the business advice for the entertainment industry.

In-Person Event

Grow your Business with Federal Contracting

A successful collaborative event on Federal Contracting was jointly organized by CNPP at the Asian Chambers of Houston and the local Small Business Administration (SBA).

In-Person Event

North America Real Estate Business Workshop

Our Spoke William Stephanie Foundation conducted a training workshop to discuss various government resources and promote new incentive programs.

In-Person Event

Funding & Financing Business Workshop

An inspiring and informative event on Funding and Financing the business was organized to discuss various Government resources and promote new incentive program.

In-Person Event

Unlocking The Power of Yelp to Grow Your Small Business

Universal Processing hosted a workshop aimed to tackle pressing issues among small business proprietors regarding the numerous tips and strategies that Yelp could provide.

In-Person Event

June 2023 Small Business Expo

CNPP National Spoke Universal Processing attended the Small Business Expo at New York Hilton Midtown which was a great opportunity for marketing and educating about the CNPP program.


Digital vs Traditional Marketing

Discover the future of marketing & Uncovering the strategies that drive success in today's dynamic business landscape with Nu Media!


Ask the Expert: Accounting Q & A

Roth & Co. CNPP team joined hands with USPAAC Midwest to organize a webinar about the hot questions of Accounting.

In-Person Event

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Your Business

ABAOC presented the latest installment of its monthly CNPP Breakfast Training series, focusing on the transformative topic of "Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Your Business."


FACCOC Entrepreneur Bootcamp #1

ABAOC’s CNPP team partnered with FACCOC launched a webinar series entitled “FACCOC’s Entrepreneur Bootcamp (EBC) Series”


How To Raise Capital For Your Business

Nu Media provided small business owners with valuable insights and practical tips on securing capital for their businesses.


Content Creation and Storytelling on Social Media

Nu Media provided small businesses with valuable insights and strategies for effective content creation and storytelling on social media platforms.

In-Person Event

Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)

Universal Processing and USPAACC Midwest Chapter educated small business owners on how ERTC can benefit their businesses!

In-Person Event

Asian Hustle Network (AHN) AAPI Mixer

ABAOC exhibited CNPP and had a chance to showcase its services at the Asian Hustle Network (AHN) AAPI Mixer event!

In-Person Event

FACCOC Power Networking Lunch

ABAOC exhibited CNPP and its services at FACCOC Power Networking Lunch!

In-Person Event

WSF Masskara Festival Business Workshop

Our Spoke William Stephanie Foundation provided one-on-one free counseling and free resources to local business owners of the City of Long Beach.

In-Person Event

Workshop: Entreprenures Unite!

USPAACC Midwest Chapter and Universal Processing provided valuable insights and guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs on how to navigate the initial stages of starting a business.

In-Person Event

Inclusive Business Funding for AAPI Business Community

Asian Chamber of Commerce Houston hosted an event with local SBA & SBDC about the challenges that AAPI-owned business face when seeking funding!

In-Person Event

New Opportunities for Businesses

William Stephanie Foundation conducted a training workshop to give new business opportunities for Import/Export, Small Business/Start-up, Real Estate, E-commerce and more!

In-Person Event

FACCOC-SBDN "Access to Capital"

ABAOC participated as one of the "main room" exhibitors, presenting to attendees the benefits offered by the CNPP program.

In-Person Event

Small Business Development Day "Resilience"

ABAOC has an Exhibit Table at Small Business Development Day (SBDD) Event to promote the USPAACC certification and Community Navigator Pilot Program.

In-Person Event

Marketing for Small Business: Where to Start

Learn valuable insights and strategies to kickstart your marketing efforts with Asian Business Association Orange County (ABAOC)!


Access to Capital & Services

USPAACC Southeast Chapter and ACE Women's Business Center hosted a webinar about ACE’s loan products and requirements, business plan tools, as well as who is funding start-ups.

In-Person Event

Lunch & Learn with The Trusted Lawyers

The Trusted Lawyers hosted an event to educate small business owners about Probate for Business Owners and the Importance of Business Operating Agreements!


Buying a Commercial Property

The Trusted Lawyer hosted an engaging session aimed to provide valuable insights and guidance to small businesses interested in acquiring commercial properties.

In-Person Event

Credit Card Fraud & Banking Crisis Then Vs. Now

Universal Processing and William Stephanie Foundation educated Small Business Owners to protect their business from the Banking Crisis and Credit Card Fraud.

In-Person Event

AAPI Cultural Heritage Celebration

USPAACC Southeast Chapter promoted CNPP and its services at AAPI Cultural Heritage Celebration to support and empower Asian small businesses!

In-Person Event

Restaurant Series 2023

Asian Chamber of Commerce hosted a Restaurant Series aimed at supporting small business owners in the restaurant industry by providing them with valuable information and resources.

In-Person Event

Resiliency to Success: A Small Business Resource Summit

Asian Chamber of Commerce Houston was invited by HCC, MBDA, and the SBA to represent CNPP at the Resource Summit.


BeChinaTown with Scripps News

Our Spoke BeChinaTown recently had an interview with Scripps News to discuss the importance of Chinatowns in bringing two cultures together

In-Person Event

Rockwall Lao New Year

Our Spoke Law Office of Wonyoung Kim made its presence at Rockwall Lao New Year celebrations under CNPP.

In-Person Event

Leveraging Technology for Business Growth

Learn to maximize your potential and grow your business using technology with USPAACC Midwest Chapter & Universal Processing bilingual workshop!

In-Person Event

Building Your Business 2023 Entrepreneur Workshop

William Stephanie Foundation and JDS Creative Academy conducted a training workshop to discuss various resources as well as promote new incentive programs offered by SBA and the U.S. Government.


Small Business Leases

The Trusted Lawyers assisted the CNPP HUB to provide an overview of business leases, from negotiating to signing aimed at small business owners who were looking to understand the ins and outs of commercial leasing agreements.

Hybrid Event

U.S. Banking Crisis Then vs Now

William Stephanie Foundation conducted a training workshop to discuss banking safety, the latest California State Programs, SBA Loans and Grants for Businesses, and IRS Employee Retention Tax Credit Program.

Hybrid Event

Business Opportunities in 2023 Workshop

William Stephanie Foundation introduced some great programs to small businesses and assisted them to make an initial success!


Navigating the Credit Card Payment Industry

CNPP Spoke USPAACC Midwest Chapter & Universal Processing hosted a bilingual webinar on how the credit card payment industry works and how to make informed decisions for your business.


Choosing A Retirement Solution for Your Small Business

USPAACC Western Chapter hosted a webinar to let small business owners know what the options are to choose their retirement plans.

In-Person Event

Credit Card Processing 101

CNPP Spokes Universal Processing and USPAACC Midwest hosted a bilingual event to educate about the credit card payment processing industry.


LiveTALK How to Do Business with NASA

Christopher Murguia Senior Analyst, Grants Policy and Compliance, from the NASA headquarters office, joins our LiveTALK to discuss how to get funding for your business with NASA.

In-Person Event

Business Match Mixer - where Business and Fun come together

Our Spoke William Stephanie Foundation was invited by the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce and JDS Creative Academy to join a Business Match Mixer and host a business workshop.

In-Person Event

Top 8 Topics Business Owners Should Know About the IRS & Taxes

USPAACC Western Chapter hosted a Seminar to educate Small business owners on keynotes about IRS and Taxes.


Do You Really Need To Write a Business Plan?

Our National Spoke Nu Media hosted a webinar on the key components of a business plan and how they help in making strategic business decisions with Nu Marketing Media.


3 Things every Small Business Owner should know about

USPAACC Midwest Chapter provides an overview of the key steps every start-up needs to know!


BeChinaTown Advocate for Small Businesses to Address Awning Citations in San Francisco's Chinatown

Lily Lo, the founder of BeChinatown, has taken the initiative to speak up and advocate for small businesses to Address Awning Citations in San Francisco's Chinatown.

In-Person Event

Discover Available Financial Aid With Our Free Workshop

Asian Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Universal Processing hosted a valuable event for small business owners in an effort to help them gain access to financial aid.


Protect your Business Against Risks (Risk Management)

Universal Processing hosted a FREE webinar about risk management and how you can protect your business.


Time Management Strategies for Success

Learn commonly used practices of Time Management with our National Spoke Universal Processing.


SHEroes 2023 | USPAACC Western Signature Event

USPAACC Western hosted its signature event SHEroes 2023 which celebrated and highlighted the achievements of AAPI women in the business world.


Social Media Basics 101: For Small Business Owners DIY

USPAACC Southeast Chapter hosted a Webinar to make Small Business Owners learn all they need to know about Social Media Marketing.


Business Health Check-up

USPAACC SE Chapter hosted its first of many webinars this year with Kevin Chu, EDFP for a financial health check-up!

In-Person Event

Business Tech Tools 101

USPAACC Midwest Chapter hosted an in-person event on how Technology can enhance the pace and output of your business.


Fast Track to Business Grant Approval

USPAACC Northeast Chapter educated Small Business Owners about the business grant application process, and common mistakes to avoid and gain the knowledge to increase their chances of approval.

In-Person Event

Building a Successful Food Business Panel and Business Mixer

USPAACC Northeast Chapter and National Spoke Nu Media Marketing organized a panel training and networking event for aspiring and existing food entrepreneurs.


BeChinaTown - Helping Small Businesses Apply for Grants

CNPP Spoke BeChinatown, led by Lily Lo, has been instrumental in providing support to small businesses to apply for Grants.


LiveTALK Certification 201

what to do after you have been certified and why it is so important for a minority-owned business to pursue certification.


4 Ways to Convert Sales via Digital Platforms

CNPP National Spoke NU Media allowed an opportunity for Small Business Owners to get ready to take their sales to the next level.

In-Person Event

Zero Interest Loan & Grant - How to Get 0 APR on Loan & Grant

USPAACC Western Chapter organized a seminar to spread the information about zero-interest loans and grants for small business owners located in the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa and El Dorado.


Business Walks by Asian Chamber of Commerce Houston

CNPP Spoke ACC is actively engaging in outreach to small business owners to learn about the challenges and provide them with the support and resources they need.


Economic Opportunity Grant (EOG) Program for Small Businesses

The EOG program provides financial assistance to small businesses that have experienced economic hardship due to the pandemic.


Access to Capital for Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

USPAACC Western Chapter invited Penny Garton, Loan Officer, to discuss options available through various lending institutions!

In-Person Event

Envision Business Success - Goal Setting Panel & Workshop

USPAACC Northeast Chapter hosted a panel and workshop on setting and achieving business goals for the new year.


2023 Lunar New Year Networking Night

CNPP Spoke Asian Chamber of Commerce Houston hosted the annual Lunar New Year's Networking Night!

In-Person Event

ABAOC-CNPP Business Networking Breakfast

ABAOC focused on "Starting a Business in 2023" this month with Attorney Dan X. Nguyen, a best-selling author and influencer!

Hybrid Event

2023 Malaysian Community Business Workshop

USPAACC, William Stephanie Foundation, Consulate General of Malaysia, Los Angeles, and California State Treasurer Fiona Ma conducted a training workshop to promote various new incentive programs which the SBA and the U.S. State and Federal Government offer.


The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) visits USPAACC in Washington DC

USPAACC CNPP receives SBA's Larry G. W. District Director, Washington Metropolitan Area for a site visit at USPAACC Washington DC.


Chinatown Community Street Fair in San Francisco 2023

CNPP Spoke BeChinatown partnered with police and the Chinese Community for Chinatown Community Street Fair in San Francisco 2023.

In-Person Event

Suppliers Chains Control Business Workshop

CNPP Spoke William Stephanie Foundation hosted a business workshop in collaboration with US-China ATSC, specifically mind of the export of U.S. organic food to China.





Jumpstart 2023: Fresh Marketing Ideas

USPAACC Northeast Region got together with CNPP National Spoke NU Media for fresh marketing Ideas for your business.

In-Person Event

ABAOC-CAN Business Networking Breakfast

In light of the recent cyber hacks of local school districts and several large companies, ABAOC educates the community on current cybersecurity threats especially malware, ransomware and the "dark web".


Employment & Immigration - Hiring, Managing & Retaining Employees

USPAACC Western arranged a webinar for small business owners to learn how to hire, manage and retain employees.


Business Workshop in the City of South El Monte

William Stephanie Foundation brings recognition to Com­mu­ni­ty Nav­i­ga­tion Pilot Pro­gram (CNPP) at the City of South El Monte providing 1:1 Business Consultation to Start-ups and Self-employed individuals.


OCCC 2023 Lunar New Year Bazaar

USPAACC Western Chapter to promote Com­mu­ni­ty Nav­i­ga­tion Pilot Pro­gram (CNPP) in OCCC 2023 Lunar New Year Bazaar.


Spoke BeChinatown featured on Wind Newspaper

BeChinatown faces the challenge of city bureaucracy to get a permit for installation of the beautiful lanterns on Grant Avenue to welcome 2023


“Disaster Preparedness & Crisis Communication” and “SBA Resources and Access to Capital” training workshop at LB Expo Arts Center

On 11/12/2022, William Stephanie Foundation hosted the “Disaster Preparedness & Crisis Communication” and “SBA Resources and Access to Capital” training workshop at LB Expo Arts Center in the City of Long Beach.


SBA Resources for Myanmar Small Business in the U.S.

Spoke William Stephanie Foundation and Consulate General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar conducted a webinar to promote various new incentive programs.


USPAACC Southeast Chapter received Community Engagement Award from the Korean Chamber of Commerce

USPAACC Southeast Chapter CNPP program received an award from the Korean Chamber of Commerce


Holiday CONNECT: Networking & Resources for AAPI/Minority Small Businesses

Universal processing and Midwest chapter collaborated to host an in person event in Chicago.


Building a Strong Legal Foundation for Your Business

Watch a webinar to learn Small business owners are risk-takers, learn how to protect your business in legal way.


Free Money Mindset session

Sign up now to be a member of the USPAACC Southeast Community Navigator Program and get a free Money Mindset session with professional mindset coach Erin Newman of the Erin Newman Group LLC. Spaces are limited to contact us now!


Federal Communication Commission representative Susan Au Allen meets with Bay Area Chinatown leaders for digital equity

USPAACC National President Susan Au Allen met with San Francisco and Oakland Chinatown leaders.

Success Story

Success story

ABAOC helped DJ Rebecca to apply for a grant and offered free business advice. She received a $2500 grant and gained connections to other organizations to help with maturing her business operations.


USPAACC Launches Podcast "Navigating Business"

Stay tune with USPAACC New Podcast! We just launched the first episode.


USPAACC Western Chapter promoted CNPP on Entrepreneurship/Small Business Networking Event

Western Chapter Program Coordinator promoted CNPP in the Small Business Networking Event on Nov18, 2022.


Retirement Planning for Small Business Owners

Watch a webinar to learn the types of retirement plans available to small businesses.


Finding Success with Capability Statements

Watch a webinar to learn how to take your business to the next level with a winning capability statement!


Buying a Business - Legal Perspectives

Watch a webinar to learn the ins and outs of purchasing a business.


Business Model Generation

Watch a webinar to learn how to take your business to the next level using a proven approach.


Building Your Company Brand on LinkedIn

Watch a webinar to learn how to successfully build your LinkedIn profile for maximum business branding.


"4" Method of How to Get More Population at Restaurant Industries

Spoke NuMedia hosted a Chinese workshop at the Asian community center.


Optimize Your Cash Flow and Grow Your Business SBA 和 FDIC 金融课程

Watch a webinar to learn how to create and manage your cash flow statement and forecast cash in/out. 创建和管理现金流量表,并预测现金收入和支出


Branding Basics with Alexis Dacuyana

USPAACC North­east Chap­ter hosted a webinar about branding basics, color theory, how to create a mood board to elevate your Social media and more!


Getting Organized for the Small Biz Boss

Watch the webinar and learn an organization expert who will help you figure out how to manage your time, tasks and relationships to meet your goals.


USPAACC Northeast Chapter hosted an in person event in New Jersey

How to get your products market ready at our in person panel and networking event.


Spoke BeChinatown was featured in Sing Tao News

BeChinatown received a donation of USD$40,000 to install lanterns for the streets and replace the door locks for the shops in San Francisco Chinatown with more security.


Access to Capital Part 3 - SBA Microloan, 7(a), and 504

Watch the webinar Access to Capital Part 3 - Capital Readiness: Position Your Company For Financial Success


The Intersection of Business and Intuition

Learn to tap into your intuition, trust your gut, and create rituals for personal empowerment.


CNPP USPAACC Hub visited Spokes in California

USPAACC Hub supported Spokes' events and visited Asian American small businesses in San Jose, CA.


CNPP Spoke promoted CNPP in New York Filipino Festival

Spoke Nu Media attended New York Filipino Festival and met with the organizers of Filipino festival.


Learn Branding, Grants and Loans opportunities, time management, Business and Intuition and Products Market

Join us from October 24th to October 27th for a webinar series.


Spoke USPAACC Northeast joining WCEC webinar

Join us and WCEC for this live webinar to learn resources and opportunities for small business owners that identify as part of the AAPI Community (Asian American Pacific Islander).


How to build your brand with Influencers Marketing

Watch the recorded webinar to learn the value of culturing strong relationships with Micro and Macro Influencers, the importance of building your brand through Influencer Marketing, and how your business will profit.

Success Story

Fanny Crystal Jewelry

Universal Processing helped Fanny Crystal Jewelry to apply for SBA grants and loans and they received the SBA’s Target EIDL Advance and eventually got through the hard times.


Increase your Sales with Google Business Profile: Google Search and Maps

Watch the recorded webinar to learn how to improve online visibility through Google Business Profile to attract more customers and increase sales.


Growing Your Business Using Google

Watch the recorded webinar of Growing Your Business Using Google


Hiring a Marketing Team for Your Small Business

Watch the recorded webinar to learn how to hire your marketing team!


Content Creation for Small Businesses

Watch the recorded webinar to learn how to stand out as a content creator for your business.


Getting Organized for the Small Biz Boss

Watch the recorded webinar to learn how to manage your Time, Tasks and Relationships to meet your personal and professional Goals.


Hospitality Marketing

This webinar offers insights on having the right Marketing Plan for your business


USPAACC CNPP Hub Project Direc­tor attended Spoke ABAOC event with other Spokes to work together for CNPP program

Project Direc­tor Tracy Balazs attended ABAOC BizCon 2022 in California.


USPAACC Southeast Chapter - Money Mindset: Overcoming Subconscious Blocks to Money, Income, and Success

Learn how to overcome blocks that deter your business and life successes.

Success Story

Universal Processing - Six Po Hot Pot Success Story

Universal Processing helped Six Po Hot Pot to get financial support from government and technical support.

Success Story

NU Media - T'baar Success Story

NUMedia helped T'baar re-brand, gained more traffic at their stores and received positive feedback from customers.


USPAACC Midwest Chapter 30 mins webinar

Learn about how the USPAACC Community Navigator Program can assist you with Starting a Business, Access to Capital, Certifying your business, and more.


USPAACC CNPP Project Director presented CNPP in New York Public Library's hosted webinar

Project Director Tracy Balazs discussed about CNPP in the webinar and got some good feedbacks.


BeChinatown held Storefront Vandalism Prevention Workshop

Many Shops have been hit with broken windows and burglaries.


NU Media and Universal Processing worked together to help small businesses

National Spokes co-hosted Small-to-midsize Business Growth and Success Summit


San Francisco county microbusiness grant program

The grant application portal will be open from August 8 to September 9, 2022.


USPAACC Southeast Chapter Small Business Community Workshop

USPAACC Southeast Chapter, and The Trusted Lawyers CNPP programs for the first in a series of community based sessions for small businesses.


Free legal consultation and assistance for small businesses!

Grow your business with us through the SBA USPAACC Community navigator pilot program!


Spoke ABAOC Training Sessions with Small Businesses

USPAACC CNPP Spokes hosted a lots of events to train and help small businesses.


USPAACC Northeast Chapter - AAPI Business Mixer event

USPAACC Northeast Chapter hosted the AAPI AAPI Business Mixer event on 7/13/2022.


Femska event

The SBA attended the Korean Association of Fort Worth (KAFW) event


Hub field trip to Chicago visit Spokes and local organizations to discuss CNPP collaboration

USPAACC CNPP Hub went to Chicago to visit Spokes and other local organizations to discuss CNPP collaboration.


CNPP Spokes Training Sessions with Small Businesses

USPAACC CNPP Spokes hosted a lots of events to train and help small businesses.


Hub field trip to Georgia and Texas to visit Spokes and local organizations to discuss CNPP collaboration

USPAACC CNPP Hub went to Georgia and Texas to visit Spokes and other local organizations to discuss CNPP collaboration.


Spokes collaborative training with the SBA Houston District office

Korean Association Fort Worth collaborative training session with The Law Office of Wonyoung Kim, Houston Chamber of Commerce, and the SBA


USPAACC Spokes from both coasts working together on CNPP

Spokes Nu Media Marketing and Asian Business Association of Orange County (ABAOC) working together.


Spoke Bechinatown's event featured on NBC Bay Area

USPAACC Spoke Bechinatown sticky rice dumpling aka 粽子 event to help small businesses was featured in NBC bay area


CNPP Sizzle reel - Community Navigator Pilot Program - What You Need To Know

Highlights of CNPP LiveTalk with Ms. Susan Au Allen, National President & CEO of USPAACC and Mark Madrid, Associate Administrator of the Office of Entrepreneurial Development


USPAACC Hub, SBA, Spokes meeting @New York

USPAACC Hub, SBA, Spokes meeting for USPPACC CNPP program.


Collaborating with other CNPP Hubs

Project lead Grace Sooyeon Hunter promoted USPAACC Southeast Region and The Trusted Lawyers at the Syracuse University's event.


The Law Office of Wonyoung Kim CNPP flyer

The Law Office of Wony­oung Kim is locat­ed in Dal­las, Texas serv­ing the Kore­an com­mu­ni­ty with immi­gra­tion and fam­i­ly law, per­son­al injury and con­tract clos­ing.


Korean Newspaper Interview about CNPP

The Law Office of Wonyoung Kim CNPP interview


KAFW Spoke meeting with the Small Business owners

Korean Association of Fort Worth (KAFW) Spoke meeting with Good Life realty investment service and Big Daddy's Donuts.


CNPP in-person meeting in Georgia area

In-person meeting in Georgia with USPAACC CNPP Spokes

Success Story

BeChinatown - AA Bakery Success Story

BeChinatown helped AA Bakery to become successful in their business.


Step into 2022 with the help your business need

Are you a woman-owned, veteran-owned, or socially and economically disadvantaged business?


Asian Business Association Orange County - ABAOCBusiness Network Breakfast

USPAACC CNPP Spokes Asian Business Association Orange County - ABAOC held a business networking breakfast event.


USPAACC Hub and Spokes Collaborative meeting

USPAACC Hub and Spokes Collaborative meeting

CNPP - Meet our Spokes Graphic


Collaborating Together to Better Connect Small Business Owners with Critical Services

The US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation was awarded as U.S. Small Business Administration Tier -1 Community Navigation Pilot Program (CNPP) Grantee..